Jeg leste nylig en artikkel på E24 om at Didrik Arstad (65) ble rekruttert til toppstilling i Aker Solutions via Linkedin. Denne utvikling har jeg forsket på og funnene kan du lese under i summeringen av masteroppgaven min! Gapet mellom arbeidsgivere og arbeidstakere blir mindre og mindre. Denne trenden vil fortsette utover nasjoners grenser i samme takt med globalisering. Del gjerne tanker, meninger eller kommentarer om funnene jeg har gjort.
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The purpose of this research project is to explore an intriguing connection related to these three fields of theoretical literature; self-initiated expatriation, organisational recruitment and social media networking channels. More specifically what effect the social media networking channel LinkedIn could possess on organisational recruitment and ultimately to contribute to raise or create new self-initiated expatriates.
By undertaking a critical realistic epistemological research philosophy, which is underpinned by an ontological subjectivist view will this research project collect primary data to analyse the projects research objectives. Ultimately, answering the set research question by applying a non-probability sampling method. The primary data will be collected by a quantitative research strategy, which is done by designing a self-selection internet based questionnaire to distribute on the researchers social media networking channels and forums/internet sites that are related to the research topic.
The main findings are;– Indications of increase of self-initiated expatriation in the future, which is rather connected to temporary jobs than permanent ones.
– The authenticity of the information LinkedIn registered users provide on their page/profile is high.
– Respondents, regardless of age, gender, and education, prefer to apply for jobs/positions online over traditional recruitment methods.
Suggested recommendations are made for the two main stakeholders; HR departments and LinkedIn. The main for HR departments are that LinkedIn can be used as a reliable online recruitment tool regarding the question of applicants’ authenticity and correct description of personal attributes. HR departments that are in search of specific international applicants should establish direct contact with the applicants themselves. The main for stakeholder LinkedIn should privacy settings be a top priority.